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Speaker: Liu Dilin, Professor, School of English, University of Alabama, the United States
Date: May 15, 2018
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Location: Room 301, No.7 Building, Hongjialou Campus
Bio: Prof. Liu Dilin is from School of English at University of Alabama, the United States. He is the leader of Applied Linguistics and the TESOL project and his main research field is Applied Linguistics. Six academic monographs of his have been published and many of his dissertations have been issued in linguistic SSCI journals such as Applied Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, ELT Journal, English for Specific Purposes, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Journal of English Linguistics, Language Teaching Research, Modern Language Journal, Research in the Teaching of English, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, TESOL Journal, and TESOL Quarterly. Besides, he is a member of the editorial committee of linguistic journals such as ELT Journal, TESOL Journal and TESOL Quarterly.
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Edited by: Yin Qize, Zhang Xinyuan