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Speaker:Han Guangyue, Department of Mathematics, the University of Hong Kong
Date:July. 5, 2022
Location:Tencent Meeting,ID:126 759 928
Sponsor:Research Center for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences
Research Center for Nonlinear Expectation
For a continuous-time additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel with possible feedback, it has been shown that as sampling gets infinitesimally fine, the mutual information of the associative discrete-time channels converges to that of the original continuous-time channel. We give in this paper more quantitative strengthenings of this result, which, among other implications, characterize how over-sampling approaches the true mutual information of a continuous-time Gaussian channel with bandwidth limit. The assumptions in our results are relatively mild. In particular, for the non-feedback case, compared to the Shannon-Nyquist sampling theorem, a widely used tool to connect continuous-time Gaussian channels to their discrete-time counterparts that requires the band-limitedness of the channel input, our results only require some integrability conditions on the power spectral density function of the input.
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