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Speaker:Gao Yixian, Professor, doctoral supervisor, Northeast Normal University
Date:September 26, 2022
Location:Tencent Meeting
Sponsor:School of Mathematics, Shandong University
This talk aims at quantitatively understanding the elastic wave scattering due to negative metamaterial structures under wide-band signals in the time domain. Specifically, we establish the modal expansion for the time-dependent field scattered by metamaterial quasiparticles in elasto dynamics. By Fourier transform, we first analyze the modal expansion in the time-harmonic regime. With the presence of quasiparticles, we validate such an expansion in the static regime via quantitatively analyzing the spectral properties of the Neumann-Poincaré operator associated with the elastostatic system. We then approximate the incident field with a finite number of modes and apply perturbation theory to obtain such an expansion in the perturbative regime. In addition, we give polariton resonances as simple poles for the elastostatic system. Finally, we show that the low-frequency part of the scattered field in the time domain can be well approximated by using the resonant modal expansion with sharp error estimates.
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