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Speaker: Yang Ma is a postdoc fellow at INFN Bologna. He got his Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh in theoretical particle physics. He has been working on collider phenomenology, QCD, electroweak physics and Higgs physics.
Date: December 15, 2023
Time: 16:00-17:30
Location: C709, Zhixin Building, School of Physics, Shandong University
Sponsor: School of Physics, Shandong University
The largest scientific marvel ever constructed by humankind, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, has etched its name in history with groundbreaking discoveries, most notably the revelation of the Higgs boson. Fascination with the prospect of attaining ever-higher energies in collider construction has been a driving force for particle physicists. Multi-TeV lepton colliders, a fusion of electron-positron and hadron machines, promise to revolutionize science with unparalleled energy and precision. They open doors to a multitude of physics prospects, from Higgs and top quark production to W/Z factories, jets, and neutrino sources. At energies far exceeding the electroweak scale, radiation effects play a pivotal role and require meticulous attention. I will introduce the electroweak parton framework for high-energy lepton colliders, with a focus on electroweak parton distribution functions (EW PDFs) governing initial-state radiation(ISR). Using this framework, I will outline Standard Model(SM) predictions for potential high-energy electron-positron and muon colliders, providing invaluable insights for future analyses. Additionally, I will highlight the diverse physics opportunities that a future muon collider can offer, providing a comprehensive overview of the scientific landscape at high-energy lepton colliders.
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