Lecture on "Inverse Lax-Wendroff Procedure for Numerical Boundary Conditions"
Speaker: Chi-Wang Shu, Professor, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, USADate: July 27, 2018Time: 10:00 amLocation: Room 1032, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central CampusSponsor: the School of MathematicsAbstract:We discuss a recent development of a high order finite difference numerical boundary condition for solving hyperbolic Hamilton-Jacobi equations, hyperbolic conservation l...
Lecture on "Reconstruction of 3D Wire Objects"
Speaker: Prfessor Wenping Wang, the University of Hong Kong Date: July 20, 2018Time: 2:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.Location: Meeting Room 202, Administration building, Software Park Campus Sponsor: the School of SoftwareAbstract:3D shape reconstruction has widespread applications in computer graphics, computer vision, robotics and virtual reality. However, the reconstruction of 3D wire objects has recei...
Lecture on "Solving Nonlinear Elliptic PDE Problems by the Method of Approximate Fundamental Solutions"
Speaker: Professor Haiyan Tian, Department of Mathematics, University of Southern MississippiDate: July 5, 2018Time: 4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.Location: Room 1044, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central CampusAbstract:Through a fictitious time approach, a nonlinear Poisson-type problem is converted into a time-dependent quasilinear problem. This is further approximated by a sequence of time-dependent li...
Lecture on "Autonomous Learning in College Classroom Teaching"
Speaker: Matthew Komelski, Professor, School of Human Development & Family Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, AmericaDate: June 21, 2018Time: 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.Location: 202 Meeting Room, Office Building, School of Software, Software Park CampusAbstract:There is a growing evidence base that demonstrates that traditional lecture is not an effective or efficient use of...
Lecture on "Engaged Learning in Classroom Teaching"
Speaker: Matthew Komelski, Instructor, Human Development, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USADate: June 21, 2018Time: 2:00 pmLocation: 202 Lecture Hall, Software College, Software Park CampusSponsor: Software CollegeAbstract:There is a growing evidence base that demonstrates that traditional lecture is not an effective or efficient use of class time in US universities. Ma...
Lecture on "Testing for Structural Changes in Linear Regression Models with Time-varying Variance"
Speaker: Wu Jilin, Professor, the Center for Economic Research, Shandong UniversityDate: June 14, 2018Time: 2:30 pm - 4:30 pmLocation: B423, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central CampusSponsor: the School of EconomicsAbstract:This paper proposes a nonparametric test for structural changes in linear regression models that allows for serial correlation, conditional heteroskedasticity and time-varying...
Conference in Celebration of Dorian Goldfeld's 71st Birthday
Speaker:Blomer Valentin, Universität Göttingen;Coates John, University of Cambridge;Fesenko Ivan, University of Nottingham;Goldfeld Dorian, Columbia University;Hoffstein Jeffrey, Brown University;Huang Bingrong, Tel-Aviv University;Iwaniec Henryk, Rutgers University;Kontorovich Alex, Rutgers University;Lee Min, University of Bristol;Li Xiaoqing, State University of New York at Buffalo;Luo Wen...
Lecture on "Analyst Information Production, Internal Capital Allocation, and Conglomerate Valuation"
Speaker: Re-Jin Guo, Professor, College of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Chicago, USADate: June 11, 2018Time: 9:00 a.m.Location: 423 Lecture Hall, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central CampusSponsor: the School of EconomicsAbstract:Analysts are specialists in forecasting industry and market sector trends. Yet there is little evidence on their role as information producers in s...