Lecture on Backstepping and Null Controllability of a KdV Equation
Speaker: Shengquan Xiang, Sorbonne Université, FranceDate: April 1, 2019Time: 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.Location: Room 1032, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central CampusSponsor: the School of MathematicsAbstract:At first we briefly introduce the backstepping method for stabilization issues. This method allows us to change (in some sense) the spectral of the linear operator and to get rapid stabilization o...
Lecture on "Implementing Strategy in Hospitals"
Speaker:Bruce Gurd, Associate Professor, Australian Centre for Asian Business,AustraliaDate:March 21, 2019Time:2:00 pm-4:00 pmLocation:Sunshine Hall, F2, Multiple-use Building, Baotuquan CampusSponsor:School of Health Care ManagementBio:Dr Bruce Gurd is Director of the Australian Centre for Asian Business (ACAB). His recent research is into management systems in China, Indonesia and Japan. Dr G...
Lecture on "Minimal period problems in Hamiltonian systems with symmetries"
Speaker: Zhang Duanzhi, School of Mathematical Sciences, Nankai UniversityDate: Mar. 1, 2019Time: 10:30-11:30 amLocation: 1032 Lecture Hall, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central Campus Abstract:In this talk, we will introduce the Maslov-type index for symplectic paths starting from identity and its iteration theory under periodic solution and brake orbit boundary conditions. As applications we wi...
Homomorphisms of Signed Graphs
Speaker: Reza Naserasr, Universite Paris Diderot, IRIF & CNRSDate: Feb. 26, 2019Time: 14:00pmLocation: 1032 Lecture Hall, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central CampusSponsor: The School of Mathematics Abstract: Homomorphisms of signed graphs has been recently introduced as extension of homomorphisms of graphs. One of the main motivations is that it provides room for a stronger connection between...
Lecture on Extremal Metrics on Toric Manifolds and Related Problem
Speaker: Professor Sheng Li, Sichuan UniversityDate: February 24, 2019Time: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.Location: 924 Lecture Hall, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central CampusSponsor: School of Mathematics, Shandong UniversityAbstract: In a sequence of papers, Donaldson initiated a program to study the extremal metrics on toric manifolds and solved the problem for cscK metrics on toric surfaces. For toric ...
Lecture on "American Film History and Appreciation”
Lecture on "American Film History and Appreciation” III——Casablanca" Speaker: Ying Zhu, Professor, City University of New York, USADate: Dec. 20, 2018Time: 1:30p.m.-5:30p.m.Location: 606 Room, Block A, Zhixin Building, Central Campus Lecture on “American Film History and Appreciation” Ⅳ——Citizen Kane/Imitations of LifeSpeaker: Ying Zhu, Professor, City University of New York, USADate: D...
Lecture on “Valley Splitting and Emission Anisotropy of Magnetic Excitons and Biexcitons in Monolayer WS2”
Speaker: Fanyao Qu, Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Brasilia, BrazilDate: Dec. 20, 2018Time: 4:00 pm Location: Room 702, Quantum Hall, Block C, Zhixin Building, Central CampusSponsor: the School of Physics Abstract:Exploiting the “valley” degree of freedom to store and manipulate information is an emerging direction of condensed matter physics, and provides a novel paradigm ...
Lecture on "Option Prices of Pegged Exchange Rates: the HKD-USD Puzzle"
Speaker: Dr. Samuel Drapeau, Distinguished Researcher Fellow at Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityDate: December 18, 2018Time: 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.Location: Room1238, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central CampusAbstract:Foreign exchange markets are by far the largest markets in the world in terms of volume.Option pricing there relies on the principle that the underlying -- the exchange rate -- is a fr...