Lecture on " Toward a Better Building: Comfortable, Healthy, Efficient, and Safe"
Speaker:Zhai Zhiqiang(John), University of Colorado at Boulder, USDate:June 11, 2019Time:3:30 pmLocation:Conference Room, 4th Floor, the School of Energy and Power Engineering, Qianfoshan CampusSponsor:School of Energy and Power EngineeringAbstract:This talk provides a quick overview on some primary research interests and projects of Dr. Zhai in the last ten years. It is organized into three ...
Lecture on “Parkin Mediated Mitophagy and Beyond”
Speaker:Sun Yu, Ph.D, Department of Biological Chemistry UCLA, USDate:June 12, 2019Time:3:00 pmLocation:Meeting Room 6320, F3, NO.6 Teaching Building, Baotuquan CampusSponsor:School of Basic Medical SciencesBio:Sun Yu, received bachelor degree of Microbiology Engineering from Shandong University in 1997, and was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the Institute of Plant Physiology and...
Lecture on "Learning from an Ancient Immune System in Lampreys"
Speaker:Max Dale Cooper, Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, USDate:June 10, 2019Time:9:00 am-10:00amLocation:Meeting Room 6320, F3, NO.6 Teaching Building, Baotuquan CampusSponsor:School of Basic Medical SciencesBio:Max Dale Cooper is a professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at Emory University School of Medicine, a member of...
Lecture on “Harmonic Functions with Polynomial Growth”
Speaker:Huang Xiantao, Associate Research Fellow, School of Mathematics, Sun Yat-Sen UniversityDate:May 24, 2019Time:2:00 pm -3:00pmLocation:Lecture Hall 924, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central CampusSponsor:School of MathematicsAbstract:Suppose (M, g) is a noncompact Riemannian manifold with nonnegative Ricci curvature, and let hd(M) be the dimension of the space of harmonic functions with poly...
Lecture on “Phase Transition in Random Graphs”
Speaker:Peng Xing, Associate Professor, Center for Applied Mathematics, Tianjin UniversityDate:May 24, 2019Time:2:00 pmLocation:Lecture Hall 924, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central CampusInviter:Prof. Wang GunaghuiSponsor:School of MathematicsAbstract:The theory of random graphs originated from seminal papers by Erd\H{o}s and Renyi on the evolution of random graphs. Since then, there are many re...
Lecture on “Intelligent Wireless Communications for 5G and Beyond in Smart Cities”
Speaker: Wang Xianbin,Professor,Western University, CanadaDate:May 27, 2019Time:3:30 pm-5:00 pmLocation:Room 415, Chuangxin Building, Qianfoshan CampusSponsor:School of Control Science and EngineeringAbstract:The dramatic evolution of wireless technologies to 5G and their fast convergence with diverse applications signify the ongoing industrial and societal revolution. With the dramatically gro...
Lecture on Wheland Intermediates in Catalysis
Speaker:Martin Oestreich, Professor of Organic Chemistry, Technische Universität Berlin, GermanDate:May 16, 2019Time:9:00 amLocation:Lecture Hall of the School of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringSponsor:the School of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringFor more information, please visit:http://www.view.sdu.edu.cn/info/1020/118072.htmEdited by: Peng Wanra