Lecture on “Gains from Trade with Non-trade Frictions”
Speaker:Zhang Guoxiong, Assistant Professor, Antai College of Economics & Management, SJTUDate:May 16, 2019Time:2:00 pm-3:30 pmLocation:Room 423, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central CampusSponsor:School of EconomicsBio: Zhang Guoxiong has been an Assistant Professor of Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University from 2013 to present. His research area is Internation...
Lecture on "Consolidation, Storage and Retrieval of Fear Memory: from Molecule to Circuit"
Speaker:Lu Wei, Professor, School of Life Science and Technology, Southeast UniversityDate:May 24, 2019Time:3:00 pm-4:00 pmLocation:6520 Room, F5, No.6 Teaching Building, Baotuquan CampusSponsor:School of Basic Medical SciencesBio: Lu Wei is a Professor and doctoral supervisor of School of Life Science and Technology of Southeast University. He has papers published on EMBO Journal, Cell Reports...
Next-Generation Cytogenetics and Its Applications in Medicine
Speaker:Yu Jingwei, Professor, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, USDate:May 16, 2019Time:8:30 am-9:30 amLocation:6320 Conference Room, F3, No.6 Teaching Building, Baotuquan CampusSponsor:School of Basic Medical SciencesBio:Yu Jingwei is a Professor and the Director of the UCSF Cytogenetics Laboratory in the Department of Laboratory Medicine. He is a Fellow of American...
Lecture on "Strategic Information Transmission and a Theory of Deception"
Speaker:Tamer Başar, Professor, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USDate:May 10, 2019Time:3:30 pm-4:30 pmLocation:Lecture Hall 302, No.4 Building,Qianfoshan CampusSponsor:School of Control Science and EngineeringBio: Tamer Başar, has been with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 1981. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering and the European Acad...
Innovations in Thin Film Assembly – From Polymers to Macromolecules and Metal Ions
Speaker:Frank Caruso, Laureate Professor, the University of Melbourne, AustraliaDate:May 8, 2019Time:2:00 pm-4:00 pmLocation:Lecture Hall, F2, Institute of Crystal Materials, Central CampusSponsor:School of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringAbstract:The development of rapid and versatile coating strategies for interface and particle engineering is of scientific and practical interest. This pres...
Lecture on "Desorption-Mediated Polymer Dynamics at Solid/Liquid Interfaces"
Speaker:Wang Dapeng, Researcher, State Key Laborary of Polymer Physics and ChemistryDate:May 8, 2019Time:4:00 pm-5:00 pmLocation:Lecture Hall, F2, Institute of Crystal Materials, Central CampusSponsor:School of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringAbstract:Theoretical predictions have suggested that molecular motion at interfaces – which influences processes including heterogeneous catalysis, (bi...
Lecture on "Easy Argument for Realism and Real Reference"
Speaker:Ye Chuang, Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Peking UniversityDate:May 9, 2019Time:7:00 pm-9:00 pmLocation:Lecture Hall 1408, Block A, Zhixin Building, Central CampusSponsor:School of Philosophy and Social DevelopmentBio: Ye Chuang, received his DPhil from Peking University and has now taught there, appointed in both the Institute of Foreign Philosophy and the D...
Lecture on "Vinogradov's Three Primes Theorem with Primes from Special Sets I, II, III"
Speaker: Shao Xuancheng, University of KentuckySchedule:May 7, 9:30-11:30, Room 1032, Zhixin Building, Central CampusMay 8, 19:00-21:00, Room 1044, Zhixin Building, Central CampusMay 9, 15:30-17:30, Room 1044, Zhixin Building, Central CampusInviter: Prof. Zhao LiluSponsor: the School of MathematicsAbstract:In 2008 Green and Tao proved that there exist arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions in...