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Mo Yan encourages expression of inner thoughts
Date and Time: 2013-05-01 08:45:39

Nobel Literature Prize laureate Mo Yan receives a bunch of barley, which is homophonic to "hot sale" in Chinese, after he introduces his new book "Grand Ceremony" at the 23rd National Book Fair in Haikou, capital of south China's Hainan Province, April 19, 2013.

Ji'nan (CNS) -- During a lecture at Shandong University on Saturday, Nobel laureate Mo Yan said that writing comes from daily life, and that inner thoughts should be expressed in writing.

Mo, who has been hired by the university, said the strong focus on his winning the award shows that China is playing a more important role in international affairs.

Xu Mingxian, president of the university, said the position of lecturing professor will be named after Mo Yan and become permanent. More great writers will also be invited, he said.

The co-operation between Mo Yan and the university started in 2011 when he became a part-time professor there.

Source: Ecns.cn

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