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Former President of Republic of Maldives Mohamed Waheed Visits SDU
Date and Time: 2014-04-08 09:10:15

On April 4th, Dr. Mohamed Waheed, the Former President of Republic of Maldives, and his wife Madam Ilham Hussein, as well as Mohamed Rasheed, Maldives Ambassador to China, paid a visit to Shandong University. President of SDU Zhang Rong had a talk with the guests.

Dr. Waheed said during the meeting that Shandong province has much in common with the Maldives in fishery research, and he hoped that both sides could carry out project cooperation in the fields of fishery, agriculture and marine technology in the future, and allowed more Maldives students to study at SDU.

Zhang briefly introduced SDU’s history, outstanding subjects and the construction situation of Qingdao Campus, and expressed his hope that it would promote the bilateral cooperation in the fields in education, industry and scientific research by Dr. Waheed and his delegation’s visit. He also welcomed more Maldives students to exchange and study at SDU.

After the meeting, Dr. Waheed delivered a lecture on “China-Maldives economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchange”, introducing the China-Maldives economic and cultural relationship regarding bilateral exchange and the development tendency.

SDU Vice-president Lou Hongxiang attended the meeting and presided over the lectures. Li Rong, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Shandong Province, as well as officials from SDU’s General Administration Office and International Affairs Department, also attended the activities.


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