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Shandong University Holds 2019 Engineering Workshop
Date and Time: 2019-11-27 10:30:41

From November 15 to 18, the 2019 Engineering Workshop was held at SDU’s Qingdao Campus.The workshop discussed a range of themes, including computer vision, big data, animal science, information technology, bioengineering and so on.

In the opening ceremony, Song Chunling, the deputy director of the International Affairs Office gave a welcome speech, in which she introduced the curriculum and scale of teachers and students at Shandong University. She also reviewed the development of the Engineering Workshop as well as the cooperation between Shandong University and Kumamoto University. Shestressed the importance of the Engineering Workshop in providing a sound platform for engineering professors to exchange ideas in order to promote cooperation and exchange in all aspects between universities.

Following her remarks, Prof. Masato Machida of Kumamoto University spoke,emphasizing that Shandong University was one of Kumamoto University’s most important collaborators and highlighting the long-lasting cooperation between the two universities in academic exchange and joint educational programs. He hopes that the Engineering Workshop can continue to provide a platform for cooperation and exchanges for more professors to boost the development of engineering.

Later, Prof. Tu Changhe from the School of Computer Science and Technology gave a keynote address entitled “Extract 3D Information from a Single Image”. Assoc. Prof. Makiko Kobayashi from Kumamoto University followed with a report on “Required Technology in Industry 4.0 —Why Our Smart Factory Projects Fail”.

After the opening ceremony, representatives attended parallel sessions in the School of Computer Science, the School of Life Sciences and other schools. Visiting professors, along with other professors from Shandong University addressed the audience, sharing their academic achievements and exchanging ideas. After each speech, professors and students interacted with each other. Students from both universities gave poster sessions in their respective fields. The engineering workshop provided a platform for representatives to learn about cutting edge technology and ideas at the forefront of their relevant academic areas. Representatives of the parallel sessions visited the respective laboratories of the School of Computer Science and the School of Life Science.

Representatives from Kumamoto University and relative schools of Shandong University, along with the head of International Affairs Office of Qingdao Campus attended the opening ceremony and relevant academic activities.

During these sessions, experts visited the planning and construction sand table of the Qingdao Campus as well as the library libraries to learn more about the planning and construction of Qingdao Campus.

The Engineering Workshop was originally co-established by Shandong University and Kumamoto University in 2008.AJOU University joined in 2010. After that, the three universities have held the Workshop in turn. The Engineering Workshop is a special program and platform for cooperation and academic exchange inengineering.

Translated by: Wei Qin

Edited by: Chen Yaxian,Che Huiqing

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