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The Symposium on Epistemology and Ethics
Date and Time: 2018-05-24 10:04:47

Date: May 25 to 27

Location: 306 Lecture Hall, Block A, Zhixin Building, Central Campus

Sponsor: School of Philosophy and Social Development


May 25:

Ceremony: 8:30-9:00

Session 1: 9:00-10:00 Refeng Tang, Beijing Normal University:

Session 2: 10:10-11:10 Stephen Finlay, University of Southern California:

Session 3: 11:20-12:20 Alex Worsnip, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill:

Session 4: 14:00-15:00 Yong Li, Wuhan University:

Session 5: 15:10-16:10 Julia Staffel, University of Colorado-Boulder:

Session 6: 16:20-17:20 Qiling Li, Beijing University:

May 26:

Session 1: 9:00-10:00 Mark Schroeder, University of Southern California:

Session 2: 10:10-11:10 Zhen Chen, Nanjing Normal University:

Session 3: 11:20-12:20 Jennifer Lackey, Northwestern University:

Session 4: 14:00-15:00 Xingming Hu, Nanjing University:

Session 5: 15:10-16:10 Daniel Star, Boston University:

Session 6: 16:20-17:20 Caleb Perl, Shandong University:

May 27:

Session 1: 9:00-10:00 Ralph Wedgwood, University of Southern California:

Session 2: 10:10-11:10 Hao Tang, Tsinghua University:

Session 3: 11:20-12:20 Daniel Greco, Yale University:

Session 4: 14:00-15:00 Huiming Ren, Shandong University:

Session 5: 15:10-16:10 Ru Ye, Wuhan University:

Session 6: 16:20-17:20 Sherrilyn Roush, University of California, Los Angeles:

Concluding Remarks: 5:20-5:30

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Edited by: Xing Chenyang, Song Yijun

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