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Lecture on "Publishing at Nature Journals"
Date and Time: 2018-11-07 12:39:20

Speaker: Mirella Bucci Ph.D., Senior Editor of Nature Chemical Biology

Date: Nov. 7, 2018 (Wednesday)

Time: 3:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Location: Conference Hall 6320, F3, Teaching Building 6, Baotuquan Campus

Sponsor: School of Basic Medical Sciences


Before joining Nature Chemical Biology, Mirella held several editorial and science writing positions, including an editorial position of the cell biology aspect for Nature in London. Her research in molecular cell biology led to a PhD from Washington University, where she worked with Susan Wente studying the dynamics of nuclear pore complexes. She went on to Stanford University, where as a postdoctoral fellow she studied protein folding and protein aggregation in the context of neurodegenerative disease with Ron Kopito. Mirella completed her undergraduate degree in chemistry and biology at Carnegie Mellon University, where she studied with Robert Murphy at CMU's Molecular Biosensor and Imaging Center.

Mirella has spoken to numerous academic audiences on how to publish in Nature journals, publishing and scientific writing as "alternative" careers, and on publishing issues such as open access and open research. She had made many presentationsto discuss the mechanics of scientific publishing at the Nature journals in terms of our role in the scientific community and shared her thoughts about what makes for a successful Nature journal paper.

Mirella is based in San Francisco, California and handles manuscripts in areas including microbiology, virology, membrane lipids and proteins, neurobiology, and immunology.

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Edited by: Shi Yajie

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