Speaker: Erfang Shan, Professor, School of Management, Shanghai University
Date: December 13, 2019
Time: 4:30 pm
Location: 1032 Lecture Hall, Block B, Zhixin Building, Central Campus
Sponsor: the School of Mathematics
In this paper we introduce a class of efficient extensions of the Myerson value for games with communication graph structures in which the surplus is allocated in proportions to measures defined on the graph. We show that the efficient proportional Myerson value can be characterized by efficiency, coherence with the Myerson value for connected graphs, and α-fairness of surplus. The axiomatization implies new characterizations of the efficient egalitarian Myerson value proposed by van den Brink eat al. (2012) and the efficient two-step egalitarian surplus Myerson value , due to Casaju(2007).
Prof. Shan completed his Ph.D. from Shanghai University. He is currently professor of School of Management at Shanghai University. His main research interests include Graph Coloring and Control Sets, Hypergraph Parameters and Extreme Values, and Cooperative Games on Graphs. He has published in top journals such as J. Graph Theory and European J. Combin.
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Edited by: Wei Zhen