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SDU Scholar Gives a Report on the Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society
Date and Time: 2012-10-18 15:02:33

On Oct.14th, the 42nd Annual meeting of the international continence society (ICS) was held in Beijing. Professor Kefang Wang, the Director of Fundamental Nursing Department in the School of Nursing, was invited to participate in this meeting and to give a report.

The title of Prof. Wang's report was "Conservative Treatments for Neurogenic Bladder ". The health concern for most patients with neurogenic bladder was treated by indwelling catheterization caused strong echo and a hot debate.

The content of the report included various popular conservative treatments for neurogenic bladder such as behavioral training, electrical stimulation, catheterization, and so on. For the questions and suggestions from the audiences, Prof. Wang gave answers swiftly and concisely. What's more, Prof. Wang indicated that there were opportunities and challenges in the domain of the neurogenic bladder's treatment in the Chinese mainland.

Furthermore, two master students from the School of Nursing, Yan Liu and Chen Wu, whose English abstracts were accepted by the ICS were also invited to participate this meeting and give reports. Prof. Wang and the students also enjoyed a series of scientific forums and trainings sessions and discussed with foreign experts about how to perform the pelvic floor exercise effectively and how to deal with the urinary incontinence situation in the Chinese mainland.

The International Continence Society was founded in 1971 by Eric Glen. It is an international organization with 13 sub-committees. The ICS emphasize its multi-disciplinary approach with members of nursing specialists and clinical specialists all over the world.

Written by: Wu Chen

Photo by: Wu Chen

Edited by: Lawrence Phillips, Jing Zizhao

Source: School of Nursing,www.view.sdu.edu.cn

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