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Prof. Vaclav Skala from the University of West Bohemia Visits
Date and Time: 2012-11-25 10:26:18

Prof. Vaclav Skala from the University of West Bohemia recently visited Campus of Qilu Software College, Shandong University.

During the visit, he gave a report about “Duality, Geometry and Precision in Computer Graphics” and discussed the joint cultivation of graduates and other cooperation programs with Meng Xaingxu, Dean of SDU School of Computer Science and Technology and Dean of SDU Software College, as well as faculties and students from the Research Center of Human-computer Interaction & Virtual Reality.

Vaclav Skala is a professor at the University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences in Plzen and at the VSB-Technical University Ostrava. He is the head of the Center of Computer Graphics and Visualization. His research interests are Computer Graphics, Visualization, Algorithms, Digital Holography and Geometry Algebra. He is a member of the Eurographics (since 1985), FELLOW of the Eurographics Association (2011). He is also a member of the editorial boards of Computers and Graphics (Elsevier), The Visual Computer (Springer Verlag), Computer Graphics Forum and The International Journal of Virtual Reality. He is a founder of the WSCG International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision. He is a member of the IEEE.

Written by: Lu Yichen

Edited by: Lawrence Phillips, Jing Zizhao


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