In October 2013, a team of students, primarily from Shandong University, embarked on a mission to help children improve their English level in Jinan and other cities in Shandong province. The mission of the team of volunteers was to share knowledge in their respective areas of expertise. They want to put their values and beliefs into action, and give something back to society.
This activity was initiated by four people, three of whom are from Shandong University: Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz, Dr. Misbahul Ferdous, Dr. Effat Un Nesa, and Muhammad Ali Akbar. Dong Mengqi and Toya who studied in Shandong University, as well as David Prockter, a final year MBBS student at Shandong University, also attended this activity. Assistance from officials of the relevant departments and Liang Cheng, Headmaster of the No. 37 Middle School, Huaiying District, Jinan, proved invaluable in bringing the efforts to fruition. Miss Wang, Miss Pam Carter (USA), and teachers and headmasters of the schools coordinated and managed the activity.
The volunteers took time from their tight schedules and responsibilities in the hospitals to teach children for free on Sundays in Jinan and distributed gifts to children of some schools in Jinan, Zibo, Taian, Qihe, and Laiwu in their spare time. The happiness by the children as they accepted the gifts will forever be embedded in the memories of the volunteers. Shahbaz has compiled a bundle of the “wishes” which he asked the children to write on pieces of paper in class. Friends translated the Chinese characters for him. Although he can’t fulfill their wishes, he was delighted to have participated in helping the children understand that the first step in making dreams or wishes come true is to have a dream or wish.
Muhammad Shahbaz having a discussion with the children at No.37 Middle School in Jinan. |
Being part of these volunteers has been an unforgettable experience for Shahbaz. He has experienced immense happiness during this activity and believes his experiences and knowledge has allowed him to contribute to the wellbeing of others. For example, his brother and some friends recently found a person lying unconscious on the road. They called Shahbaz who advised his brother to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). Before the ambulance arrived, the person’s heartbeat was normalized. Shahbaz felt absolute happiness knowing he was able to help save a person’s life by given the knowledge he possessed based on his education. He experienced similar feelings when he shared his knowledge with the children who he hopes will eventually be able to help others by becoming future doctors, engineers, or other professionals. The relevant departments of Jinan acknowledged their contribution with honorary credentials. While the honorary credentials will remain as treasured tokens of this experience, the volunteers were united in their opinion that nothing can compare to the genuine feelings of love and happiness shown by the children. Qilu Evening news and Shandong Education TV covered this event.
Written by Muhammad Shahbaz (Ali), Master Degree Student of General Surgery on CSC Scholarship, School of Medicine, Shandong University
Source: School of Medicine