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SDU Discovery Excellent Works Exhibition-- Third Prize-- Muhammad Imran Haider
Date and Time: 2018-11-25 17:38:53

It's 5:30 am and Mr. Zhang, nearly 55 years old, has already started working. He wants to make sure that everything is clean and placed in proper order in the dormitory of foreign students.

The ShuShu (Uncles) are one of magnificent beauties of Shandong University.

At this age they still work like a teenager in order to accommodate the students of SDU. No matter where they are posted, in dormitory or in messor on security, they try their level best to serve beyond their duty.

It's a kind of hidden beauty of SDU. We should acknowledge their efforts for students of SDU and always pay them respect.

Written by: Muhammad Imran Haider (Pakistani) from the School of Medicine

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