She’s magical
The word beauty has made a very magical impression on me.Something beautifulhas a soothing, calming effect, like a crying child given an amazing toy or a distressed family shown a breathtaking view. I would like to always believe something beautiful awaits me in my life wherever I go. This belief keeps me optimistic. It is the motivation that helps start my day happily, with a smile on my face. When discouraged, the glaring sun and sparkling stars tell you otherwise. Shandong University is a beauty! She has the magical power of motivation.
Universities around the world have majestic buildings and structures. With no surprise, so does Shandong University. As a medical student, my life is on the medical campus that has many historical buildings. I was impressed by the medical campus and the central campus on my first visit before enrolment. At that moment, the reasons I find this university beautiful were all based on appearance. After my enrolment, I was amazed by the preserved architecture from the past. The flowers blossomed in spring, long cooling rain in summer, falling leaves and “golden” pathway in autumn, and snow in winter are all very beautiful. There is no doubt that the reasons I found beauty in were superficial. Nevertheless, they are beautiful to anyone. The juxtaposition of nature and man-made architecture is harmonious. With a little of consideration and kindness, everything on the Earth can coexist.
After my freshman year, I have learnt more about my college and its achievement. My admiration for all the achievements has become why I find her beautiful. Her accomplishments and the alumni are inspiring. They have given me faith in my future with a career. When my seniors talked about their ambitions on stage, their appearances were beautiful. They were proud as students of Shandong University. I like the aura of satisfaction they had. I admire their confidence and find that moment magical as it gave me something to look forward to in my life at Shandong University. From their experience, I believe that she will be able to show me my way, and guide me when I am in doubt. She is indeed a beauty.
Since I have to spend more than six years in one place, it is unrealistic to depend on appearances to maintain my opinion that Shandong University is beautiful. The effect of superficial reasons wears off as time passes. So is the admiration I have for my seniors. Without a constant reminder, someone else’s achievement can be forgotten easily. However, I still find her a beauty. Every corner of Shandong University is beautiful. As a person who is terrified of anything horrifying, however, I find the Anatomy Building at the medical campus a “Halloween party.” It’s only natural that I must exclude that particular building but I don’t discredit the memories I had there. If only I was not afraid. She has quite a collection in that building.
In these few years I spent here at Shandong University, I have made my own memories. I cherish these memories. Unforgettable memories remind us of the kindness and beauty we had in the past. With the memories I have made on the grounds of Shandong University, they are the constant reminder that she was beautiful and will always be. She was beautiful when I was annoyed by pollen from the flowers she had in spring. She was beautiful when her thick trees shadowed me from the sun on our sports day in summer. When the sun shone on the trees and branches swayed side by side with the wind in autumn, she was beautiful. She was beautiful when I slipped and fell on all the snow she had in winter. Shandong University’s beauty has made a very strong impression on me. Pictures of her scenery up the stairwell in the library still capture my attention.
Shandong University has many campuseswith theirown character.They all house different colleges, with their own history and collection. The story of Shandong University traces back to thetwentiethcentury. Every old building, every tall huge tree, and every bumpy road of Shandong University are from a time before I ever knew. With development and expansion, new buildings were erected. Together with the old structures, they all represent Shandong University’s heritage as it is passed down the line from a generation to the other. As I inherit her spirit, I am proud of her past and promise to make her proud in the future. Shandong University has many beautiful campuses with outstanding and beautiful history. She will always be beautiful as every generation strive to be better. Her magic persists and her legend continues.